jake stead

Registered Massage Therapist

  • RMT, CD

  • Certified Birth and Postpartum Doula


I grew up as a very active and busy child. My early life consisted of growing up in a small town in Ontario and playing organized sports such as soccer, football and lacrosse. Prior to finding a career as a Registered Massage Therapist, I primarily worked towards strength training and weightlifting and became absolutely fascinated by what the human body can accomplish and how we move as a whole.

Since becoming an RMT, I have found a passion for caring for others and encouraging people that they can be their best selves with the proper approach and a little bit of guidance. My treatment style is focused primarily on the pain a client's day-to-day life is being interrupted by and how they can build better movement practices throughout the day to help manage that pain on their own.

I have also found an interest in Pre/Post Natal care so much so that in November 2021 I completed my Pre/Post Natal Doula certification in hopes that I could integrate the knowledge and practices into helping ensure clients have the proper resources and information in all stages involved in perinatal care.

In my off time, I love exploring Toronto with my partner, seeing as many shows/concerts as I possibly can, trying as much food as humanly possible, and relaxing at home with our 17 year old cat, Millie.